The judiciary: roles and responsibilities

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MJ, a newly appointed judge in the High Court, is scheduled to hear a judicial review claim alleging that a newly introduced statutory instrument contravenes the right to freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights. The claimant contends that the measure imposes excessive limits on peaceful assemblies intended to voice public dissent. In preparing for the case, MJ notes that the Human Rights Act 1998 obliges courts to interpret domestic legislation compatibly with the Convention wherever feasible. Nevertheless, MJ also recognises that if a clear incompatibility arises, the court possesses specific powers to address the issue without invalidating the statutory instrument outright. Meanwhile, intense media coverage has placed substantial pressure on MJ to provide an immediate ruling disapplying the statutory instrument entirely, before conducting a thorough hearing.

Which approach should the judge adopt under the Human Rights Act 1998 to address the alleged conflict with the ECHR?


The judiciary in England and Wales comprises the system of judges who interpret and apply the law, ensuring justice is administered fairly and impartially within the framework of the rule of law. As an indispensable component of the UK's constitutional structure, the judiciary represents core principles such as judicial independence, accountability, and adherence to legal precedent. Examining the roles and responsibilities of the judiciary is important for understanding how the legal system operates in England and Wales.

Judicial Independence: The Backbone of Justice

Judicial independence is a central principle of the UK's constitutional framework. It guarantees that judges can perform their duties free from external pressures or influence, thereby upholding public confidence in the judicial system. It is more than a mere principle—it is the very essence of fair justice.

Key Protections of Judicial Independence

  1. Separation of Powers: Ensures a clear demarcation between the judiciary, legislature, and executive. This separation helps prevent any branch from wielding excessive power over another.

  2. Security of Tenure: Judges serve until retirement, a measure designed to insulate them from political maneuvering.

  3. Financial Independence: The management of judicial salaries is kept separate from political influence to avert undue sway.

  4. Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC): Tasked with overseeing a transparent and merit-based selection process for judges, bolstering the fairness and effectiveness of the judicial process.

The Essential Role of Judicial Independence

  • Fair Decision-Making: An independent judiciary ensures that decisions are made solely based on the law and the evidence presented, free from outside intervention.
  • Public Trust: An independent judiciary commands respect and earns the public's trust.
  • Protection of Rights: It allows judges to uphold fundamental rights, even when faced with pressure from other government branches.

The Human Rights Act 1998: Integrating Rights into the Legal System

The Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) stands as a transformative statute in British law, embedding the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic legislation. This act has significant implications for judicial responsibilities.

Judicial Responsibilities under the HRA

  • Section 2: Compels judges to regard European Court of Human Rights decisions as influential, though not binding.
  • Section 3: Mandates courts to interpret UK laws in alignment with ECHR stipulations, employing a purposive approach.
  • Section 4: Enables judges to issue a "declaration of incompatibility" when UK laws clash with the ECHR, prompting legislative scrutiny.
  • Section 8: Grants courts remedial powers in situations warranting a declaration of incompatibility.

Impact on Judicial Practice

  • Expands the judiciary's role in safeguarding human rights.
  • Necessitates careful scrutiny of legislation vis-à-vis ECHR compliance.
  • Alters the judicial approach by embedding human rights considerations into traditional legal reasoning.

Example: In the notable case R (Nicklinson) v Ministry of Justice (2014), the court assessed the legality of assisted suicide under the ECHR, ultimately issuing a declaration of incompatibility that prompted legislative discussion.

Judicial Precedent: Ensuring Consistency and Predictability

The doctrine of judicial precedent, known as stare decisis, is fundamental to the English legal system, dictating that lower courts must follow higher courts' decisions in similar cases.

Key Aspects of Judicial Precedent

  • Binding Precedent: Lower courts remain bound by decisions made by higher courts in the judicial hierarchy.
  • Persuasive Precedent: While decisions from other hierarchies or same-level courts are influential, they are not obligatory.
  • Ratio Decidendi: The core legal principle upon which a case is decided, binding on lower courts for future reference.
  • Obiter Dictum: Non-essential judicial observations that, though not binding, may offer persuasive guidance.

Example: The landmark case of Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) introduced the principle of negligence in English law—a precedent that continues to inform numerous subsequent rulings.

Structure and Hierarchy of the Judiciary

Understanding the court hierarchy is instrumental in understanding the flow of legal authority and precedent within the UK legal system.

Court Structure

  1. Supreme Court: Serves as the ultimate appellate court, deliberating on cases of significant public importance.
  2. Court of Appeal: Divided into Civil and Criminal Divisions, it addresses appeals originating from lower courts.
  3. High Court: Encompasses the Queen's Bench, Chancery, and Family Divisions, dealing with complex cases and appeals.
  4. Crown Court: Handles serious criminal cases and appeals from magistrates' courts.
  5. County Court: Manages the bulk of civil litigation.
  6. Magistrates' Courts: Attend to summary offences and initial stages of more serious cases.

Responsibilities of Judges

Judges bear diverse responsibilities that are essential to the smooth operation of the legal system.

Key Judicial Responsibilities

  1. Legal Interpretation: Judges decipher statutes and precedents, weighing literal meaning against legislative intent.
  2. Case Management: Ensure that cases progress expeditiously and justly, encompassing deadline setting and procedural oversight.
  3. Decision Making: Apply the law to fact-specific scenarios, sometimes setting new precedents.
  4. Ensuring Compliance: Uphold legal standards and mandate adherence to court orders.
  5. Upholding the Rule of Law: Review actions of public bodies and develop common law principles to fill statutory gaps.

Judicial Appointments and Diversity

The Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) is central to sustaining judicial independence and advancing diversity.

Aspects of Judicial Appointments

  • A selection process grounded in merit.
  • Initiatives promoting inclusivity and representation from underrepresented sectors.
  • A transparent selection procedure encompassing multiple stages.
  • Statutory consultation processes for senior appointments, ensuring rigorous vetting.

Although progress has been made toward diversifying the judiciary, notable challenges remain in ensuring it reflects the diversity of UK society.


The complexity of the judiciary's role in the UK legal system is reinforced by its interaction with principles such as judicial independence, human rights legislation, and judicial precedent. Judicial independence, safeguarded by mechanisms like the separation of powers and security of tenure, is fundamental to maintaining impartiality in legal proceedings. The incorporation of the Human Rights Act 1998 imposes specific obligations on judges to interpret domestic law in conformity with the European Convention on Human Rights, influencing judicial reasoning and outcomes. This interaction is exemplified in cases like R (Nicklinson) v Ministry of Justice (2014), where courts addressed the interplay between domestic statutes and human rights considerations. Additionally, the doctrine of judicial precedent ensures consistency and predictability within the legal system, with landmark cases such as Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) continuing to shape legal principles. An appreciation of these interconnected concepts and their practical applications is necessary for fully understanding the judiciary's roles and responsibilities in upholding justice and the rule of law within the UK's constitutional framework.

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Saptarshi Chatterjee

Saptarshi Chatterjee

Senior Associate at Trilegal