Visual identification evidence and Turnbull guidelines

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Tilda was walking home after a loud rock concert, noticing a figure allegedly snatching a handbag from a passerby under dim street lights. She believed she recognized the figure from a local café she frequently visited. The police later arranged a video identification procedure in which Tilda pointed out the same individual she recalled from the café. During trial, the defence challenged her identification as unreliable due to the poor lighting and her possible confusion with someone else at the café. The prosecution argued that Tilda was confident in her observation and that the Turnbull guidelines did not necessitate further caution.

Which statement best reflects the judge’s proper approach to Tilda’s identification under the Turnbull guidelines?


Visual identification evidence plays a significant role in criminal proceedings, serving as testimony where witnesses identify suspects based on their observations. However, the reliability of such evidence is frequently called into question due to various factors affecting human perception and memory. The legal framework governing the admission and exclusion of visual identification evidence in England and Wales is primarily established by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) and the landmark case of R v Turnbull [1977] QB 224, which introduced the Turnbull guidelines. These guidelines provide a structured approach for judges and juries in assessing the reliability of identification evidence to prevent miscarriages of justice. Understanding these principles is necessary for legal professionals handling the complexities of evidence admissibility.

The Challenges of Visual Identification Evidence

Visual identification evidence involves witnesses testifying that they recognize a suspect based on previous observations during the commission of a crime or other relevant circumstances. Despite its apparent simplicity, this type of evidence is naturally problematic due to the fallibility of human memory and perception. Misidentification can lead to severe consequences, including wrongful convictions. A notable example is the case of Ronald Cotton, who was wrongfully convicted of rape based on erroneous eyewitness identification and spent over a decade in prison before DNA evidence exonerated him. Such cases highlight the strong need for meticulous scrutiny of visual identification evidence within the legal system.

Psychological Factors Affecting Reliability

Several psychological factors can undermine the reliability of eyewitness identification:

  1. Memory Distortion: Human memory is reconstructive rather than reproductive, meaning that recollections of events can be altered or influenced by subsequent information or misconceptions.

  2. Weapon Focus Effect: Witnesses may fixate on a weapon present during the crime, diverting attention from the perpetrator's facial features or other identifying characteristics.

  3. Cross-Race Effect: Witnesses often find it more difficult to accurately identify individuals of a different race or ethnicity, a phenomenon well-documented in psychological research.

  4. Stress and Trauma: High-stress situations can impair cognitive functions, leading to decreased accuracy in memory encoding and retrieval.

Environmental and Situational Factors

The conditions under which the initial observation occurs can greatly impact the reliability of an identification:

  • Lighting and Visibility: Poor lighting conditions can obscure key features, making accurate identification challenging.

  • Duration of Exposure: Brief encounters may not provide sufficient time for a witness to form a reliable memory of the suspect.

  • Distance: The physical distance between the witness and the suspect affects the level of detail that can be observed.

  • Obstructions and Disguises: Physical barriers or disguises worn by the perpetrator can hinder accurate identification.

  • Delay Between Observation and Identification: The passage of time can erode memory accuracy, increasing the risk of misidentification.

Legal Framework for Admissibility: PACE 1984

The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) provides statutory guidelines for the admissibility of visual identification evidence. PACE aims to balance the necessity of using identification evidence with safeguards to prevent injustice.

Section 78 of PACE

Under Section 78, courts have the discretion to exclude prosecution evidence if its admission would have an adverse effect on the fairness of proceedings. This provision is particularly notable in cases where the reliability of identification evidence is questionable due to procedural irregularities or potential prejudice.

Code D: Identification Procedures

Code D of PACE outlines detailed procedures that police officers must follow when conducting identification processes. These protocols are designed to ensure fairness and reliability:

  • Video Identification Parades: Suspects are shown alongside at least eight other individuals in video form, minimizing suggestiveness.

  • Identification Parades (Lineups): A live lineup includes the suspect and at least eight other persons resembling the suspect's appearance.

  • Group Identification: The witness observes a group of people, which includes the suspect, in a natural setting.

  • Confrontation: Used only when other procedures are impractical; the witness is presented directly with the suspect.

Failure to follow Code D procedures can lead to the exclusion of identification evidence under Section 78.

The Turnbull Guidelines: Ensuring Fairness in Identification Evidence

The Turnbull guidelines stem from the Court of Appeal decision in R v Turnbull [1977] QB 224, which addressed the dangers of relying on visual identification evidence. The guidelines provide a framework for judges to direct juries on assessing such evidence, emphasizing caution due to the risk of wrongful convictions resulting from misidentification.

Key Components of the Turnbull Guidelines

When a case depends substantially on the correctness of identification evidence, judges must instruct the jury to examine the evidence carefully. The key components include:

  1. Judicial Warning: The judge must caution the jury of the special need for careful consideration before convicting on identification evidence alone.

  2. Consideration of Circumstances: The judge should direct the jury to assess the circumstances under which the identification was made, including:

    • Opportunity for Observation: Assessing factors such as lighting, distance, and duration.

    • Witness's Ability: Considering whether the witness knew the suspect before, or had any reason to remember the suspect.

    • Discrepancies: Identifying any inconsistencies in the witness's description or account.

  3. Supporting Evidence: The jury should consider whether there is other evidence that supports the identification, such as forensic evidence or admissions.

  4. Recognition vs. Identification of Strangers: Recognizing someone known is generally more reliable than identifying a stranger, but mistakes can still occur.

Application in Trials

Judges must tailor their directions to the specific circumstances of the case, ensuring the jury fully understands the potential pitfalls of reliance on visual identification evidence. The emphasis is on preventing convictions based on unreliable identifications.

Real-World Implications of Misidentification

The consequences of misidentification are substantial, affecting not only the wrongly convicted but also undermining public confidence in the justice system. The case of Anthony Hanemaayer, for instance, illustrates the devastating impact of mistaken identity. Hanemaayer was convicted based on a victim's identification and served time in prison before DNA evidence implicated another individual. Picture being wrongly accused due to a fleeting glance—it's a stark reminder of the justice system's responsibility to rigorously test identification evidence.

Special Considerations and Exceptions

While the Turnbull guidelines provide necessary safeguards, certain situations demand additional scrutiny.

Dock Identifications

Dock identification occurs when a witness identifies the accused for the first time while the accused is in the dock during trial. This practice is generally discouraged due to its highly suggestive nature. Courts often consider such identifications to have little evidential value unless accompanied by strong supporting evidence.

Recognition Evidence

When a witness claims to recognize the accused due to prior acquaintance, the dangers of misidentification may be reduced but are not eliminated. Errors can still occur, especially in stressful situations or after significant time lapses. The court must still caution the jury and assess the recognition evidence critically.

Multiple Witnesses

In cases involving multiple witnesses, the reliability may appear bolstered. However, the court must ensure that the witnesses have not influenced each other's recollections. Independent identifications are more indicative than those that result from collaboration or discussion among witnesses.

Applying the Principles in Practice

Understanding the procedural and legal aspects is one thing; effectively applying them in court is another.

Pre-Trial Considerations

For the Defence:

  • Challenging Admissibility: Defence counsel should examine whether identification procedures complied with Code D. Any deviations may form the basis for exclusion under Section 78.

  • Investigating Witness Reliability: Gathering information about the conditions under which the identification was made can reveal weaknesses.

For the Prosecution:

  • Ensuring Compliance: Prosecutors must ensure that police identification procedures were conducted in strict accordance with the guidelines.

  • Assessing Evidence Strength: Before proceeding, prosecutors should critically evaluate the reliability of the identification evidence.

During Trial


  • Defence counsel can scrutinize the witness's account, highlighting factors that may have impaired their perception or memory.

  • Questions may focus on environmental conditions, the presence of stressors, time delays, and discrepancies in descriptions.

Judicial Directions:

  • The judge must provide clear and tailored instructions to the jury, emphasizing the need for caution as per the Turnbull guidelines.

  • The judge should summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the identification evidence without usurping the jury's role as fact-finder.


The complex interplay between human psychology and legal procedure in the realm of visual identification evidence presents a notable challenge. The Turnbull guidelines, as established in R v Turnbull [1977] QB 224, serve as a fundamental judicial tool to manage this challenge. By mandating a structured approach to evaluating identification evidence, these guidelines seek to mitigate the problems and risks of misidentification.

Central to this framework is the relationship between statutory requirements under PACE 1984 and judicial discretion guided by case law. Section 78 of PACE empowers courts to exclude evidence that may compromise trial fairness, while Code D prescribes the protocols for conducting identification procedures. When applied together, these principles ensure that evidence admitted in court satisfies both procedural integrity and evidential reliability.

For example, consider a case where a witness identifies a suspect after observing them briefly under poor lighting conditions. If the police failed to follow Code D procedures during the identification parade, the defence may argue for exclusion under Section 78. The judge would then need to assess the admissibility, considering both statutory and common law principles.

The interaction between these concepts highlights the importance of detailed legal analysis in cases involving visual identification evidence. Legal practitioners must be adept at applying these principles not in isolation but as part of an integrated legal strategy. Understanding how PACE provisions and the Turnbull guidelines interrelate is necessary for ensuring just outcomes in criminal proceedings. This knowledge is not only fundamental for legal practice but also a key component of the SQE1 FLK2 examination, where precise knowledge of evidence admissibility standards is imperative.

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Saptarshi Chatterjee

Saptarshi Chatterjee

Senior Associate at Trilegal