Our free Legal Systems notes cover everything you need to know for the Solicitors' Qualifying Exam (SQE). From the the English court system to the principles of constitutional law and judicial review, we've got you covered. Whether you're in a classroom or taking the self-study route, these notes provide added peace of mind, knowing that you have everything you need to help consolidate and revise effectively for the SQE1 exam. Think something could be better? Give us a shout on our contact page, and we'll take a look.
We've created comprehensive study guides for all SQE1 FLK1 and FLK2 topics. Check out our other free notes below:
- Criminal Law and Practice
- Land Law
- Property Practice
- Solicitors Accounts
- Trusts
- Wills and the Administration of Estates
1. Introduction to the Legal System of England and Wales
2. Sources of Law
- Primary legislation: the structure of an Act of Parliament
- Relationship between statute law and case law
3. Statutory Interpretation
- The literal rule
- The golden rule
- The mischief rule
- The purposive approach
- Intrinsic aids
- Extrinsic aids
- Presumptions in statutory interpretation
- Aids to statutory interpretation and construction
4. The Judiciary and the Court System
- The judiciary: roles and responsibilities
- Court hierarchy and jurisdiction
- Key courts and tribunals
- The High Court
- The Court of Appeal
- The Supreme Court
- The appeal system
- Appeals to the Supreme Court
- The appeals test
5. Rights of Audience
6. Introduction to the UK Constitution
- Characteristics of the UK constitution
- Sources of constitutional law
- Role of constitutional conventions
7. Parliament and Parliamentary Sovereignty
- Structure and functions of Parliament
- Principles of parliamentary sovereignty
- Limitations on parliamentary sovereignty
8. The Monarch and the Crown
9. Prerogative Powers
- Definition and scope of prerogative powers
- Relationship with legislation and constitutional conventions
- Judicial control over prerogative powers
10. Central Government and Accountability
- Structure of central government
- Ministerial responsibility
- Mechanisms of accountability
- Parliamentary privilege
11. Status of Devolved Institutions
- Devolution in the UK
- Powers and functions of devolved governments
- Relationship between devolved institutions and Westminster
12. Legitimacy, Separation of Powers, and the Rule of Law
- Concepts of legitimacy in public law
- Principles of the rule of law
- Separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judiciary
13. Legislation and Legislative Procedures
- Enactment of primary legislation
- Implementation and repeal of legislation
- Secondary (delegated) legislation
- Powers and procedures for legislative scrutiny
14. Public Order Law
- Regulation of processions and assemblies
- Conditions and prohibitions on assemblies
- Breach of the peace
- Balancing public order and freedom of expression
15. Judicial Review
- Nature and purpose of judicial review
- Supervisory jurisdiction of the courts
- Decisions subject to judicial review
- Grounds for judicial review: illegality, irrationality, procedural impropriety, legitimate expectation
- Standing (locus standi)
- Time limits for bringing a claim
- Remedies available in judicial review
16. Human Rights Act 1998 and the European Convention on Human Rights
- Key rights under the European Convention on Human Rights
- Sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998
- Interpretation of legislation under the Human Rights Act
- Application to acts by public authorities
- Remedies for breaches of human rights
- Impact of the Human Rights Act on UK law