Free SQE1 FLK2 Wills and the Administration of Estates Study Guide

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Our free Wills and Administration of Estates notes cover everything you need to know for the Solicitors' Qualifying Exam (SQE). From will validity and estate distribution to Personal Representative duties and Inheritance Tax considerations, we've got you covered. Whether you're in a classroom or taking the self-study route, these notes provide added peace of mind, knowing that you have everything you need to help consolidate and revise effectively for the SQE1 exam. Think something could be better? Give us a shout on our contact page, and we'll take a look.

1. Introduction to Wills and Estate Planning

2. Validity of Wills and Codicils

3. Alterations and Amendments to Wills

4. Revocation of Wills

5. Interpretation of Wills and Failure of Gifts

6. Property Passing Outside the Estate

7. Intestacy Rules

8. Personal Representatives

9. Grants of Representation

10. Administration of Estates

11. Inheritance Tax on Lifetime Transfers and Transfers on Death

12. Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax During Estate Administration

13. Claims Under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975

14. Personal Representatives and Trustees in Estate Administration